Turkey Love

I love turkeys!!!!
Today I bumped into my gorgeous friend Jen and she invited me out to her little farm to meet her animals….
I thought, why not….everything else can wait!

It was like they had rehearsed…
both flowing together in perfect time….round and round…fanning their divine plumage of impressive feathers…. Sounding their masculine calls in unison …
So comical yet so very enchanting!!!
I was surprised how these two men worked in harmony with no sign of competition, moving as one...dancing and sounding.
They actually reminded me of two wise alien beings dressed in their regal attire with their blue faces and long ruby red hanging beaks.
They appeared to have a spiritual connection….as
if they were listening to a higher power…guided by of their inner knowing….
Moving in perfect unison with ease and grace.
Moving in perfect unison with ease and grace.
I hear your message turkey!!!
Reminding us all of something we seem to forget as we race around in our modern fast paced lives....
We are a part of something so much more …
the universe, this beautiful planet earth and all her creatures….
When I take the time and allow myself to feel this connection, something special begins to flow within.
Let us also accept and respect each other’s uniqueness…and feel at home in being who we are.....these turkeys are doing a fine job of embracing their very unique looks and abilities!
Let us also release the need to judge...so we too can embrace the freedom …and allow ourselves to shine in all our glory and uniqueness.
Go strut your stuff like the turkey….. Listening to your inner calling…and sound it out loud for all to hear...
Be brave like the turkey.... fanning out your plumage of hidden talents ...sharing the magnificence of you.
Jen also told me that these turkeys love to fly the coup...so take flight dear friends... out of your comfort zone and into a creation of your making.
Who would have thought these turkeys could be so inspiring.
With loving kindness
Leanne xxx