
In 2011, I qualified as a LUXOR Light Healing practitioner.The level of healing with this energy work has personally amazed me.I have not been sick in all these years...and sometimes I do push myself to my physical limits .LUXOR Light is a multidimensional self-healing system.The holistic approach looks beyond the physical to the subtle energy systems ( auric bodies, chakras ...) and beyond, where the cause of dis-ease can be located. As a Practitioner, I am able to assist in facilitating the transference of energy within an individual, adjusting the frequencies within their energy field where by the individual is empowered to become their own powerful self. It accelerates the individuals spiritual growth and brings you into alignment with who you really are.
In an Energy Healing session I combine my professional knowledge and skills.I work with the LUXOR Light healing frequency and incorporate Colour Therapy, Numerology, Angelic Wisdom, Ascended Masters, Chakra balancing, Crystal bowl Sound Therapy,Sound Keys and Codes, Pendulum energy clearing, Intuitive skills and counselling. 
Energy healing facilitates the healing process by clearing blockages in the energy fields, repairing and rebalancing the energy so that the body can move to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself.
Energy healing can also help identify "issues" before they manifest as pain or similar distortions in the physical body.It opens our consciousness to the areas we need to work through and heal in order to bring our lives into balance and maintain health, harmony and vitality.
Distant Healing is an amazing way to receive a healing. A full Energy Analysis Report will be emailed to you.
Energy Healing Sessions- Hands on or Distant : $110
Contact me on 0400058155
Email : burongblack@gmail.com

So what are you waiting for? 

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